נורטון כתב:
ראיתי את הסרטון הזה אתמול, לפני שהורידו אותו. היה מקסים. חבורה של מטומטמים, אבל מעניין אותי עד כמה מוטה היה הוידאו הזה - לא במובן שהשחקנים האלה לא עשו את מה שהם עשו, אבל יותר מעניין לדעת, מה שחקנים אחרים עשו - והאם גם היתה סוג של אהדה פה ושם, או קולות שונים.
לא ראיתי קודם את הדיון, אז באיחור, כן. היו הרבה שמנתחו, והיה אחד, שהוא גם אישית מכיר אנשי רוח ישראלים ופציפיסט, שלמרות הפרובוקציות (הרבה יותר גדולות מלאחרים, כי לאחרים הספיק הרבה פחות מזה), הוציאו ממנו רק ויכוחים וקללות חזרה (מתבקשות), אבל שום דבר אנטישמי. קוראים לו Alaa Morsy, והוא שחקן-קומיקאי.
הוידיאו שמלא של הראיון הזה כבר לא נמצא (אולי אפשר למצוא אחר), אבל זה מה שנאמר לי לגבי הראיון איתו בזמנו:
"his guy is a comedian actor, Alaa Morsy. He was clearly much calmer than the other guys definitely. He stated that he wants peace. He talks with more sense and logic. When she asked him how come when the Camp David Agreement was signed and the Egyptian and Israeli governments were at peace this didn't reflect amongst the Egyptian and Israeli people? He answered, we are brought up and raised with hostility towards each other and due to how the media and the wars we had between us as nations these are the main reasons why the Israeli and Egyptian people weren't at peace with each other.
She asked him if a new presidential candidate of Egypt wanted to cancel the Camp David Agreement would you be with or against this? He said he is against this because he doesn't want war.
He said he also respects Judaism as a religion and that is one of the 3 Holy religions.
She also asked him: If you were invited by an Israeli channel for a talk show that was democratic and viewed in masses by the Israeli citizens would you attend it? He said of course I would.
She asked again wouldn't you be afraid of what the Arabs viewers and people would think of you if you did this? He said I am not doing anything wrong.
Hehe.. at 13:30 one guy enters the studio and says "shalom" and Alaa replies back by saying "shalom"... and then this guy starts blaming him that the Egyptians are the ones that destroyed the gas pipes that were going to Israel and he was talking in a provocative manner but surprisingly Alaa remained calm for a bit and told them you guys are obviously upset and overreacting but you need to relax and talk with reason. He then raised his tone and told him look... if you guys are coming here and want to talk in such a tone of language then I have no problem doing so as well and then he starts cursing for a while from 15:15.
At 16:40 he says look I have relatives who are martyrs and died during the war between Egypt and Israel in 1967 and 1973.
Wow! At 23:00 they tell him Israel is going to wipe Egypt of this Earth and destroy it... Any person hearing such a thing would definitely get extremely upset yet he still kept his composure even though he cursed at them.
Hehe when they hug at 24:55 Alaa tells them...Wow you guys are amazing actors! I need to work with you guys.
At 27:10 the lady said I have interviewed many people but this is the first time I see someone as composed and in control as Alaa Morsy.
אז באמת חלק מה"פרובוקציות" שעשו למדמודדים הורדו בעריכה, אבל גם רואים את זה, זה עדין לא משפר את התמונה בהרבה, כי הן היו סתם שאלות שאיכשהו הציגו את ישראל לא באופן מרושע, לא בסיגנון של מה שעשו לבחור הזה שבאמת יצא בסדר.